Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Happy New Year...💥

This is very late but better late than never.

I believe the new year is nothing short of a blessing to you and if thing are not going as well as you wished, I pray for you that you will succeed and be increased in all that you do.

Image result for taking time outAs parents we immerse ourselves in everything about our children and that is a great thing and it is what is expected of us but in the process we tend to loose ourselves and sometimes we get burn outs.

It is important that we get time to recharge and be re-energized. If you are married make sure you have time together without children and talk, share your struggles and challenges. Plan for activities that you both enjoy and have fun

Remember to pray and read the work of God in daily basis, prayer helps us unload burdens and the word of God gives us new energy and perspectives

If you are a single parent make sure that you surround yourself with the people that encourages you and people who are positive and they build you up. Make time for activities that you like and enjoy. Keep your trust in the Lord because He is the source of our strength, He empowers us and gives us the ability to keep going

Bottom line, you are a parent but still an individual with needs and goals and aspirations. Do not forget about yourself. Take time out relax and praise God for His faithfulness.

Happy parent, Happy child
Image result for taking time out
With love,